Friday, November 8, 2013

Thoughts on Profit Sharing

* Everyone on my team gets a 20% cut.

  * People on team:

   * 1. Programmer

   * 2. Game Designer

   * 3. Musician and Sound Effects

   * 4. PR / Marketing / Social Engineer / Website Maintainer.

   * 5. Artist.


   * Right now, one person does each job, and that job gets a 20% cut.

   * On my next game I am going to create a TODO list for each job.

   * Each item on the TODO list will be worth a given percentage of the 20% cut for that job title.

   * This is so if someone walks off the team, I know exactly how much I owe them, based on the assets

   * They have given me.


   * Example: Game Designer:

    *      Tasks: Make all 50 levels.

    *      Each level is worth 2% of the total 20% cut.

    *      If you make all 50 levels that I want in the game, then you get the full 20% cut.

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